Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Looking Forward

My mother casually asked me whether I have Sirih Dara (or Junjung?) for my wedding to which I flatly replied no. I asked her before and she was fine with me not having any of that. Now, after a few conversations with some makciks (aunties) here and there, she said I must have that. If not people will think that I am a janda (divorcee). I found it amusing and laughed saying I don't mind if people think I am a janda. Hahaha. But she didn't find that funny at all and thus insisted I have that for my wedding. Fine.

I've been working on the gift trays as well and she said my gift trays are pale. I corrected her, they are pastel. -.- But I agree they do look rather pale, so I'm just gonna add some bling bling stuff. Settle! :D Got the lace for my guestbook. Need to confirm with caterer on whether to have ice-cream or pastries as additional desserts after my dad's idea of kebab was being rejected cause the kebab grill machine thingy will make the whole air-conditioned venue, hot.

Didn't want to have any favours for kids but now things have changed. -.- Now they (parents) want favours for kids. How many should I prepare for by the way? The number of miscellaneous things to do are endless!

One of my bridesmaids went to Zurich, Switzerland for her flight and showed me some photos of the alps and I cannot wait to be there next month! She also shared that it was very, very cold (duh), so yes, I plan to really layer up. :D I just need to figure out how to go about signing up for their mountain tour. Don't think my hotel provides this. :/

I stole this pic from her hehe thank you, Pee! Now I can't wait.

Oh and finally, some photos from our photo shoot. :D

Two enough for today? :P And from the photo shoot I realised that I look ugly laughing. Omg. And I've laughed in front of Zai for 4 years plus now without knowing that I looked horrendous all along.

 Lastly, (don't puke k girls), happy birthday my Superman! :D 


  1. Ah that siring junjung and dara thingy... i think only the older generation know & care what it means. But well, if it makes them happy and we can afford it, why not? Hehe I guess no bride has been totally free of her parents' influence when it comes to wedding planning. Your photoshoot is adorable ;-)

    1. Hehe thank you! And yes tell me about it. A lot of my wedding planning decisions still gotta consult the parents. :/
